What Happens When You Swallow Cocaine?

swallowing cocaine

Cocaine, a powerful stimulant known for its potential to cause euphoria and increase energy, is commonly snorted, injected, or smoked. Less frequently, it may be ingested, an act that carries significant health risks. This guide is intended for those who find themselves or someone they care about in the precarious situation of having accidentally ingested […]

What Is The Treatment For Ambien Addiction?


Prescription drug abuse and addiction have become a growing issue in many parts of the world, including the United States. With prescription drug addiction, the patient can often miss the typical warning signs of addiction. Part of this is due to the trust they have in the medicine and the doctor prescribing the medicine. Since […]

What Is Holistic Addiction Treatment?

Female doing yoga facing the ocean

When treating Substance Abuse Disorders (SUD), it’s common for the patient to have additional physical and mental health issues. If these additional health issues are serious, they may require specialized medical treatment. However, for other problems that arise through addiction and the associated lifestyle, a more holistic approach can help to build strength and help […]

Drug Rehab Solutions Through Medicare

Drug Rehab Solutions Through Medicare

The journey towards overcoming addiction is daunting, not just emotionally and physically, but also financially. In Rhode Island, where the shadow of addiction looms large, the cost of rehabilitation can often seem like an insurmountable barrier. At Ocean State Recovery Center, we understand this challenge deeply and are committed to breaking down these financial barriers […]

Free Drug Rehab With Medicaid

Free Drug Rehab With Medicaid

Overcoming addiction is a complex journey, laden with emotional, physical, and financial challenges. The cost of comprehensive drug rehab often presents a significant barrier, making the path to recovery seem daunting for many. Enter Medicaid: a critical resource for individuals seeking free drug rehab services. As a joint federal and state program, Medicaid offers health […]

Outpatient Alcohol Rehab

outpatient alcohol rehab

Embarking on the journey to overcome alcohol addiction is a courageous step, one that reflects both strength and a commitment to personal growth. In today’s fast-paced world, where balancing life’s responsibilities is a constant challenge, finding a treatment option that aligns with your everyday life is crucial. Outpatient alcohol rehab emerges as a beacon of […]

How Long Is Alcohol Rehab?


For those dealing with an alcohol addiction, taking the first steps toward sobriety can be difficult. Even when patients want to seek help or treatment, the fear of the unknown can create hesitation or cause them to avoid treatment altogether. Some of this fear is due to not knowing exactly how long alcohol treatment takes. […]

From Ingestion to Elimination: How Long Oxycodone Lingers in Your System


Oxycodone, a potent prescription pain medication, has become a focal point in discussions surrounding pain management and the broader opioid crisis. As its use—both medically prescribed and illicit—has grown, so has the need for a comprehensive understanding of its effects, risks, and the intricacies of its presence in the human system. This article delves deep […]

How to Spot an Alcoholic Face – With Pictures


Alcoholism, or alcohol use disorder, is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Recognizing the signs of alcoholism can be vital in helping someone get the support and treatment they need. While many are aware of the behavioral and psychological signs, the physical manifestations on the face are often overlooked. This article delves […]

How Long Does Cocaine Stay in Your System?


Cocaine, often called “coke”, is like a super-charged coffee for the brain. It gives a strong burst of energy and happiness, but it’s not without its dangers. Imagine a roller coaster – the high is the thrilling ascent, but what goes up must come down, and the risks are much greater. Immediate Effects of Cocaine […]